Saturday, February 27, 2016

Fight Fire

I like a fighter.

I was always a Marco Rubio fan, but now I'm a Super Mario fan.

I lamented to my husband today that what we've got is a buffoon and a criminal running for president. Finally someone has come along to take down the buffoon.

I believe Jonah Goldberg wrote something like, "class is not correlated with income". Don't quote me on that -- read it here. Donald Trump is...shall we say, a loooooser. I don't get it. I don't get how normally rational people, some of them people I know and like, have latched onto this half-wit and are actively supporting him. Truly, I don't get it. And stop telling me that he's "sticking it to the man". He is the man!

So, fight fire with fire. If what it takes to take Trump down is ridicule, I'm all for it! And no one is more deserving. You know, I used to watch The Apprentice. He seemed like such a rational guy. But that's what one gets for buying into the Tinseltown tale. I also think George Clooney is an escaped convict chained to two guys, slurping his way through the swamps of Mississippi.

If all is lost, go all out, I say. Rubio might not prevail, but he'll go down swinging. I don't have any money, but I might just kick in a couple of dollars to support Marco's campaign.

Call it an "atta boy".

Friday, February 12, 2016

Are We There Yet?

I think we're at the halfway point -- aren't we? I realize that "halfway" sort of depends on one's starting point, but I'm deeming it halfway, because I'm tired.

I think I may take a break.

I wanted to see how actual voting would work out, so I glued my gaze on the Iowa caucuses (a really outdated model) and the New Hampshire primary (real voting), and now I know.

And I've come to some conclusions:

  • We're probably going to lose (again). I had high hopes; really, I did. After what we've been through the past seven years, how could we not win? Well, we've found a way.

  • People are stupid. I know that's not a huge revelation, but these first two contests have reinforced it for me. In the exit polls, something like 12 per cent of voters chose electability as their number one criteria. Really? What else is there but electability?

  • Chris Christie is an ass-hat. I'm truly on board with taking down one's competitor, if it's me and the other guy for the win. But if I'm third to last? Well, that's just ego. But thanks, once again, Christie. You did it to us again.

  • If Trump is our nominee, I will support him. If it's Cruz, I'm staying home. That may seem hypocritical since I railed against the guys (and yes, it was mostly guys) who refused to get off their butts and vote for Mitt Romney, but at least Mitt Romney was sane. Cruz can't win. And let me break it to all you Texans out there: he's a hateful harpy. I won't vote for someone I can't stand. I'd rather stay home. All you Hannitys and Mark Davises can tout Cruz all you want -- in your alternate reality -- but a bunch of us can't stand him. He's oily and smarmy. And he makes my skin crawl. So, welcome to the oath of office, HRC. I refuse to take the blame.

The one guy -- one guy! -- who could win got taken down by the governor of New Jersey, for God's sake.

So, I'm done. I've played this game too long.

I need a break.