Friday, June 17, 2016


It's not like me to be uninterested in the presidential election. Politics is my drug of choice after caffeine. It's a letdown to be bored by something I've always counted on. But this year's election has turned from euphoric to maddening to ehh. I don't find Trump to be provocative or even interesting; but rather, moronic and Gomer Pile-ish. I don't wait breathlessly to hear his latest utterance. It used to at least be a masochistic challenge to ponder what his next controversy might be, but the sheen has worn off that rubbed stone. It's no longer a surprise -- I expect him to say something stupid and therefore that thrill is gone.

There've been candidates in the past that I had to warm up to, but I eventually, ultimately, came on board. John McCain was no great shakes. I like him better, now that he's not running for president. Romney? I at least thought he was smart -- a bit too polished -- but I came around. This dude? It's not like I'm going to suddenly hop the Hillary train, but I can't picture myself punching my ballot for a guy who needs remedial training. I'm a corporate trainer -- I've been down that nowhere path before. At least the people I've had to coach weren't insane (mostly).  

So, I'm bored. I've essentially abandoned Fox News (sorry Bret -- I still like you.) I've begun to turn on CNN after work. I despise their leftward tilt, but I appreciate the absence of yelling. 

I like to have some noise in the background (just not loud noise) when I'm decompressing after being yelled at at work all day. I like Jake Tapper and Anderson Cooper. I don't like BILL O'REILLY (sorry, yelling). It's gotten so I don't even care what they say; just that they're saying it quietly. 

I don't know what my state of mind will be, come November. I'm thinking, the way things are headed, there might only be one name on the ballot, because DT will spontaneously combust. Again, don't actually care if he does. The one thing I could always count on has turned into a ridiculous spectacle. 

I guess it's time to find a new hobby.

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