The thing about these people, however, is that they live in a whole other world from mine. My husband likes to say they reside in gated communities and view social issues in the abstract, since they're not exactly experiencing them. I don't know if that's fair. I don't stalk these people - I don't know how they live, but I assume with money comes a nice living arrangement. If I had money, I wouldn't be living here! I do think "abstract" is a justifiable term, though. Nothing seems so bad when you're comfy.
Thus, I see many of them shake their heads, unable to grasp the unadulterated anger of the conservative masses and their kooky support for someone like Donald Trump.
These guys (and some gals) don't get that people are MAD, or maybe more precisely, sick of it. Sick of it all.
Here is a short list of subjects I am supposed to care about: Muslim feelings, thugs getting manhandled by the police, whiny women who possess everything they could ever hope for and still want to bitch, rich spoiled-baby college kids, the ozone layer, sorting and essentially gift-wrapping my trash for the garbage haulers to pick up (There's a reason it's called "trash"), transgender people's right to invade my bathroom, women's right to kill their babies and hold a giant rummage sale with the body parts, the fact that some people are poor and some people are rich (in other words, life), imbeciles who can't vote (twice) because they forgot their ID's at home, teachers'
Whew. Okay, I know there are more. I just need to turn on my TV to reveal the left's latest outrage.
But let me tell you who else is outraged: conservatives. Because nobody, and I'm looking at you, elected officials with a D and an R behind your names, nobody cares about us. Oh sure, you care about getting re-elected in order to continue your cushy lifestyle of self-importance and microphones stuck in your face and chauffeur-driven rides to the Big Building in Washington, where you can clip across the gleaming Capitol floor in your shiny shoes. We get that. And we get that you "care" about us when voting time nears.
But you don't, really. Here's a thought: ask me what matters to me. Or read below.
- Security, monetary and physical
- To be left alone and not constantly hassled
- Opportunity to improve my family's life
- Values that matter to me and not those that aren't really values, but rather "fads"
- Honesty, not bullshit
See how short my list is?
It's not hard. I know you folks in Washington like big, thick binders; but shoot, you could jot my list on a post-it note.
I'm not a Trump fan. I think he shoots from the hip and not the brain. I am weary of his narcissism. I don't, in fact, trust what he's exactly up to.
However, I understand the fervor. He might not mean all the things he says, but at least he's saying them. He's savvy enough to know that we're sick of it.
We've had enough. Sure, if we end up with a bad candidate, possibly a Trump, we're going to lose, and life for us is going to be a continuation of the hell that's sizzled our skin since 2008.
But it still feels good that somebody is saying it.
EDIT 01/05/16:
OMG, did you read that the new Star Wars Monopoly game doesn't include the female character Rey? Great, another thing I need to care about.
EDIT 01/31/16:
This is what I mean:
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