I have nothing more to say. It's done. Accept the things I cannot change, I say.
This song serves to lull me into a barely conscious state, which is where I need to be.
(And thanks, my home state of North Dakota -- you traitor -- for putting The Donald over the top. Like I'm ever going to live that down.)
I had fully intended to write Marco Rubio's name on my ballot, but then Marco went and gave his blessing to DT, so now I don't know what to do. Stay home? That would feel like cheating. Sit back and enjoy the show? Well, "enjoy" doesn't exactly describe my reaction when I see our nominee on television.
I guess I hope he wins. The alternative is dreadful. I just don't know if I can contribute to that win. I wasn't this torn, not even in 1992. I think I voted for GHW Bush, but I honestly can't remember. I have a sinking feeling that I didn't. I may have inadvertently set us down the path of Clintons. I want to consider myself pure -- I do know that I voted for Gerald Ford in 1976 (a losing battle I knew, even at the time) and I most definitely voted for Ronald Reagan both times. I'm certain I voted for Bush, Senior the first time. Bush, Junior got my vote twice. Hell, I voted for both McCain and Romney. But that one time...
So, in essence, it's all my fault. If Hillary wins, it's because of my maverick toe-dip into the murky swamp of Clintonism.
Maybe I should vote for Trump, if only to cleanse myself of sin.
I guess I need to pray on that.
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